It’s been about 10 years since I last blogged anything of note… on this domain! Some would argue that I never blogged anything of note. However, I’m back.
Since i was last seen blogging about installing an Amiga emulator on Ubuntu, the world has moved on. I however, haven’t. I never thought my blogs were pertinent to anything except moaning about day to day interactions with idiots and drooling over techy things I didn’t really understand.
These days I am mostly dividing my time between my children and my job as a Senior Systems Engineer for some company somewhere.
Recently, I have been learning about network automation which is strangely how I have stumbled across using Github as a host to my blog. I was reading some work on the subject by Mircea Ulinic, a network engineer for Cloudflare and who is also a major contributor to NAPALM and Salt. His site looked nice. I liked the theme and clicked on the theme button and started procrastinating. Before I knew it… I am typing this blog.

His work is excellent and he shows a passion in pushing forward into the the Open Source community and if network automation is your thing, there is a free O’Reilly publication at Cloudflare worth a read.

Oh, I should probably give you the link to the dude, Dean Attali, responisble for this. beautiful-jekyll